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Birchwood Nursery School

Fruit Provision

Birchwood is a healthy school and promotes healthy eating.

Milk is provided free of charge and water is available to all children throughout their session. It is important we are informed immediately of any allergies or special dietary requirements your child may have. To protect all children with allergies, please note we are a NUT free school.

All children are offered a choice of fruit at snack time and we ask that parents contribute £1.00 per week towards this. Payment can be made half termly or termly via the School Gateway app.









The snack money you donate is also used to purchase:

  • seasonal snacks such as naan bread when learning about celebrations
  • tactile items such as shaving foam for messy play experiences alongside ingredients for children to make their own play dough

  • cooking ingredients in order for children to cook on a fortnightly basis in their key groups

  • ice lollies when the weather is hot as a special treat!

It is only due to the generous support of our parents that we are able to fund these opportunities to enrich the children's learning.