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Birchwood Nursery School

School Meals


Children attending our 30 hour provision, or who stay for a full day, will be provided with a cooked lunch by our external catering contractor, Herts Catering Ltd (HCL). The daily charge for meals is £2.53 per day. Parents are invoiced monthly in the third week of the preceding month and payment is requested in advance as specified in our Charging and Remissions Policy.

Parents are asked to pay via School Gateway. Information on how to download the app,  register and activate an account can be accessed via the link below. Please ensure that you register using the email address and mobile phone number held by the school for the prime parent, as given on the admissions application form

School Gateway

The School Gateway app will show you your child's current school meal balance. This will reduce each day when a lunch is booked. Please ensure that you pay the amount due as detailed on the monthly invoice, not the balance as shown on app.

Parents wishing to pay from a tax free childcare account should contact the School Office in advance to arrange this.

A lunch will be booked for all children marked on the register as present at 9.30am each day. If your child is absent, you should notify the School Office before the start of the session so that no lunch is booked and no charge made. A credit will be carried forward to the following month. Known absences can also be notified to the School Office in advance so that this can be reflected on invoices. 

If your child will be arriving late, due to an appointment or for some other reason, you must contact the school office by 9.30am or a lunch will not be booked.

School Lunch Menu

We offer a menu on a 3 weekly rota. This is changed twice a year. A copy of the current menu is available here. The meat option will be booked for all children unless we have been informed of a cultural preference or medical allergy. 

Special Dietary Requirements

We cater for children with medically diagnosed allergies and with cultural preferences. These must be recorded on the admissions form at the time of applying. Parents will be asked to complete an online application and provide medical evidence in advance of their child commencing lunches where allergies exist.