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Birchwood Nursery School

Lots of Learning

December 2024 - Stick Man

We have been getting in the Christmas mood in Nursery and our core book 'Stick Man has been perfect for talking about Christmas with children. We have been using new ingredients such as ginger when cooking, creating our own Christmas cards and making our own salt dough decorations ready to paint and cover in glitter! We have also been doing lots of mark making; using big chalks on the playground floor and some of us have even tried writing our names inside our Christmas cards. 

November 2024 - We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This is always a firm favourite with children and this year was no exception. Children in Nursery have become engrossed in this story and have been experts at retelling it using the story props. They have learnt the actions to the story, some Makaton signs, learnt to keep to the beat of the story when drumming and have been able to join in with such enthusiasm when reading it in our small groups. Children have also learnt to colour mix to make brown, with some children even painting a bear picture to take home!


November 2024 - Diwali

We have been looking at the book 'The Best Diwali Ever!' in Nursery the last few weeks. To teach children about Diwali we have been making Diva lamps using clay and making our own flatbreads that the children have really enjoyed eating! We have also been making our own Rangoli patterns using the big chalks on the playground and using a stippling technique when painting using Rangoli stencils. 

October 2024 - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

There has been lots of learning taking place in Nursery based around our core book 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?' Children have become experts at retelling the story using the pictures to help them. They have also loved the wooden props painted with the animal faces to retell the story themselves. Children have learnt to mix colours and make brown and some have even painted their own Brown Bear painting. All children have taken part in making a simple biscuit recipe and the feedback upon tasting has been very positive!

October 2024 - The Colour Monster

Children in Nursery have loved reading the story 'The Colour Monster'. They have become very involved in our small group activities such as; making fruit kebabs that match the colours from the story, creating our own feelings jars and making play dough that matched our feelings that day.  

September 2024 - Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The Nursery garden has been flooded with water this week and children have fully embraced the wet weather. There has been lots of exploring going on and children have been keen to tip and pour the water into as many different containers as they could find. We added bubbles to see what would happen and the children made the water foamy by splashing and brushing the water. Lots of new words were introduced such as pour, sink, empty, soaked and drenched!

September 2024 - Welcome to Nursery!

We are so proud of our Nursery children and how well they have settled into their new environment. They have quickly got to know their new routine and are coming into school very independently in the morning. Children have had lots of fun exploring the setting both indoors and out. With the sandpit and climbing equipment being a firm favourite outdoors and the playdough table, home corner and snack table being very popular inside!